torsdag 4. november 2010

Home Fees

Har nå fått svar på mailen min fra universitetet. Puh, jeg må si jeg må konsentrere meg en smule for å forstå sånn korrekt formell engelsk, men jeg tror jeg forsto det. Det er altså for seint for meg å betale home fees fra januar, men hvis jeg får meg en jobb før 1. september 2011, kan jeg betale home fees. Jeg må også bevise at jeg har jobb. Tror jeg må spørre Sue sånn at hun kan forklare meg innholdet i mailen på en mer "folkelig" måte, sånn at jeg ikke gjør noe feil og ender opp med å betale så mye neste år også.

Her er mailen:

Dear Torun,

Thank you for your enquiry.  If you are able to demonstrate to us that you have become an EEA migrant worker before the start of the first day of the next academic year (01/09/2011) we may be able to classify you as a 'home' student for that academic year onwards.  This would be subject to you meeting the residency requirements outlined in category 6 of the attached guidance notes.  These requirements include being able to demonstrate that you were ordinarily resident in the UK on the 'first day of the first academic year of the course', which for a course which started in October 2010 was 01/09/2010.

Although it may be possible for your classification to change for subsequent academic years you will remain classified at the 'overseas' rate for the 2010/11 academic year.  This is because you did not meet the requirements necessary for a 'home' fees classification on 01/09/2010.

If you have any further questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.  If you become a migrant worker and believe that you could be entitled to 'home' fees, please complete and return the attached Fees Assessment Questionnaire to enable us to review your classification.

Best wishes

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